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Italy’s Tragic-comic Ending: In a Sea of Garbage

The Grand Tour of tons of garbage up and down Italy is a clear sign of a country approaching its end. Prime Minister’s Prodi appeal is a masterpiece in the art of grotesque. “Please help each other, you Italians, and take someone’s else garbage in your homes, and dispose of it”. A ship loaded with alien scum docked at the port of Cagliari, and a sort of popular riot took place. Governors, on the Italian State’s payroll, are acting as despots. In the case of the Sardinian one, however, we clearly witnessed the fact that Sardinians do not think and feel the way their “leader” does. Media show us at night and in the morning the disgusting scenes of entire towns under the garbage’s siege. Wastes look like a foreign army, to which opponents are too weak and without any solid motivation to stop the flood. Italy, which as a unified State has been built upon blood, treachery, violence, and the utmost despise for its peoples’ will, is moving towards its unhappy ending in a sea of garbage. With a sense of honour and dignity well above ours, we nowadays witness the Scottish and Catalan peoples causing the ending of Spain and the UK. We hope that movements such as the Venetian National Party (PNV), together with their Sardinian, Sicilian, Lombard, Ligurian equivalents (to name only a few) will bring Italy to the end well before it will be terminated, suffocated by wastes, drown in the scum. The garbage affair is by far enlightening. Veneto taxpayers, along with taxpayers from Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna, Piedmont and Tuscany, but especially Veneto’s and Lombardy’s, under the constant target of the Italian State’s robbery, contribute massively to the immense costs of the Italian State’s apparatus. Each of these taxpayers pays to the Italian State around 7,000€ average, and gets back from the State around 800€ (these figures are only an estimate and might be not correct, however the ratio is more or less this). Now, if we take for granted that the garbage disposal should be in charge of the State, i.e., that the huge and disproportionate taxation paid by the Venetian and Lombard people should go also to this end, it is clear that the State itself is not just able and keen to steal money from its most productive citizens, but also terribly unable to make this money work in a sensible, efficient way. It is but a thief unable to make any use of his loot. Well, this is said too politely. In fact, within the macro-thief called Italian State there are plenty of micro-thieves who take advantage of this situation, and let the South plunge into an ocean of shit. Now, there is only one conclusion we can draw. The freedom and independence of Veneto is a self-evident need. It is based on the self-evident truth, according to which every individual is by natural law entitled to life, liberty, and property. A fortiori, this natural law applies to a people, endowed as it is with a millennial history of freedom and independence. The Italian domination on the Venetia dates back to 1866, one century and half are just an historical parenthesis. The garbage crisis tells us a lot about the garbage nature of the Italian State. That said, the end of the Italian State would benefit, on the long term, the Southern regions as well. Possibly even more than those in the North, already rather rich even though under a scummy tyrant. Their climate, the pride and the always persisting sense of classical heritage inbred in the population, the will to be free and freely act against mafia and camorra – aren’t those fiercest enemies of the State, maybe, a product, or by-product, of the State itself ? – will positively determine the future of the Southern Regions, once they will have acquired the status of free and independent State(s).

Paolo Bernardini


BBC World video on Italian police clash with demonstrators

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